Birthday cards and birthday messages.

Serious fans of “the West Wing” will get the reference!

This evening, I’ve spent time writing (among other things) three birthday cards. They are all for choristers, none of whom I know particularly well, but all of whom I admire for various reasons.

Here’s the thing about birthday cards, though. It’s a little bit too easy to just write a generic sort of message. Have a great day and best wishes for the year ahead. I figure that there’s not really much point in that, even if the wish is genuine. So I try to write something nice about the person. What I admire about them. Why I value them. I guess it makes them feel good. But also, it’s good for me. It’s good for me to think about the blessings I’m surrounded by. The people I don’t know well but who bless me with their presence. I value his gentleness, how caring he is, how he is genuinely interested in everyone. I value her sense of humour, her dry self-deprecating wit, her open friendliness. I value her vibrancy and vividness.

It’s such a little thing, a birthday card. And perhaps these three people don’t really care about what I think, will just be happy to get another card for their birthday. But tonight I will go to bed just a little more aware of the wonderful people I’m surrounded by. Just a little more aware of how blessed I am in knowing these gentle, caring, funny, vibrant people. Just a little more grateful.